1965 Louis Creek Fair Gate Highest in 16 Years
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1965 Louis Creek Fair Gate Highest in 16 Years

Louis Creek Fair Gate Highest in 16 Years
The North Thompson Times, v1 No.50. Wed, Sept 15, 1965

The gate returns were the highest yet at the 16th annual Louis Creek Fall Fair.
Following the usual parade of livestock, floats, etc., Ann De Mambro was crowned Queen of the Fair by the ex-Queen of 1963, Betty Johnson of Rayleigh. The Queen’s attendant was Heather Powers, runner-up in the Essay Contest.
Top float in the Parade was the Boulder Mountain 4-H Club float with the Lower North Thompson 4-H Beef Club, 2nd. In the decorated bicycle class, 7-year old Leslie Bradford of Chinook Cove was judged best. The most attractive horse and rider was Susan Ferrier of Dallas.
In the W.I. booths, the Little Fort ladies’ group took 1st and the Vinsulla group 2nd. In the District Exhibit booth, McLure was first with Sullivan Valley 2nd.
The Indian Homemakers’ Club of Chu Chua had a very interesting dsplay of their crafts, and they were awarded a special prize.
Although there was a greater number of baking entries, the needlework and canning exhibits were down this year, perhaps because of the shortage of fruit.
“Johnny’s Canteen” operated by Mr. and Mrs. J Uppenborn and Mrs. F. Uppenborn, was sold out by early afternoon. As usual, the food was excellent and people enjoyed the pleasure of a hot meal. (Johnny said that after such a hectic day, life at the Barriere High will be a snap!)
Judging the Women’s section was Mrs, Meade, Mrs. Coldicott, Mrs. Fowler of Armstrong and Mrs. Parsons of Clearwater.
In the Junior Beef Club, Anne Stewart of Heffley Creek won the Grand Champion in the Showmanship class and Arthur Devick won the Reserve Champion. Brian Leavitt of Heffley Creek won the Grand Champion Steer of 4-H. Winning the Reserve Champon Steer of 4-H was Mary Ann Puhallo of Westsyde.
Grand Champion Steer of the Show was taken by Charlie Fennell of Chu Chua and Reserve Champion, by Brian Leavitt.
Judged the Grand Champion Bull of the Show was the animal shown by Wilson and Sons of Vinsulla. Reserve Champion Bull was also taken by the Wilsons who also took the Grand Champion Heifer. Reserve Champion Heifer was W.H. Stewart’s of Heffley Creek.

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