1967 North Thompson Fall Fair More Exhibits This Year
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1967 North Thompson Fall Fair More Exhibits This Year

The 18th North Thompson Fall Fair was a success, with only 30 less people attending than last year, despite the number of people still out fighting fire.
Exhibits in the Woman’s section were considerably more numerous this year and the judges felt that the quality of the work was of a higher caliber than usual. There was quite a number of exhibits from further points this year.
Several riding clubs were represented in the horse events and a good crowd stayed to watch the competition to the end.
A smaller than usual Barriere School Band rendered several numbers. A crowd pleaser were four members of the Evergreen Drifters.
The Queen of the 1967 Fair established a precedent by riding in the parade on a horse and attired in Centennial dress. Miss Ann Stewart was crowned by Miss Beverly Fennell, the retiring Queen.
Decorated floats, horses and bicycles all lent their own particular spot of colour to the parade.
A list of prizewinners will be carried in next week’s Times.

North Thompson Times
Vol. 3 – No. 50
Wednesday, September 6, 1967

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