2007 Fall Fair something to be proud of
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2007 Fall Fair something to be proud of

“Something for everyone” was on the agenda at the 58th Annual North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo held the Labour Day weekend in Barriere. “It was great,” said North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo Association (NTFFRA) president Jill Hayward, “We had three full days of first rate family entertainment that blended beautifully with our agricultural fair.”

Hayward noted that the agricultural displays and exhibits found throughout the fair were gauged to encourage fair goers to learn about agriculture. “We wanted people to learn about the food they eat, where it comes from, and where it is produced close to home. I think we did just that.”
“Over the years almost every family in this valley has been a part of, or been touched by this event,” commented Hayward, “All of the people who turn out each year to help present the fair are very much appreciated. Without them it just couldn’t happen. The fair is like one
big family that has an enormous annual reunion.” Although all the numbers were not yet tabulated at press time last week it looks like the gates were up on Saturday and Sunday, even with a Sunday afternoon rain storm.

“The grounds were truly packed,” said Hayward, “The rodeo stands were filled to capacity and so was everywhere
else.” She noted that the Saturday night cabaret dance was an instant sell-out and the Sunday evening cowboy concert was so well received it will become a tradition. Saturday’s parade proved a favourite for many and was graced with MLA Kevin Krueger, Leader of the NDP
Party Carol James, and NDP Federal Candidate Michael Crawford.

“Fifty-eight years of tradition in the North Thompson Valley is something to be proud of,” said Krueger during the opening ceremonies, “The efforts of so many people bring it all together and they should be commended.” The official “Cowboy-up Baby” T-shirt for the event was eagerly embraced by Barriere and area merchants with well-over 200 shirts worn by staff in area businesses during the Fall Fair week. “We had a lot of fun with the limited edition T-shirts,” said Hayward, “We’ve already got one designed for Fair 2008.”

What’s planned for fair 59 next year? “Wow, we’ve got some great plans,” said Hayward, “Now we just have to cowboy-up and put them all into play.”

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