2010 – Action every day at Fall Fair
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2010 – Action every day at Fall Fair

By Jill Hayward – Barriere Star Journal
Published: September 13, 2010 5:00 AM
Updated: September 13, 2010 6:55 AM
After 61 years the members of the North Thompson Fall Fair and Rodeo Association still know how to put on a great show. The Labour Day Weekend Fall Fair and Rodeo in Barriere seemed to be a great success, and even though the Monday’s weather was decidedly wet, the crowds kept coming, and the fun continued.

From bull riding to zucchini races, fair goers could find something for everyone to enjoy. Socializing, camaraderie, and entertainment, were mixed in with agriculture and education about where our food comes from and how to grow it.

For the past few years the event has not offered a midway, and despite original concerns that this would hurt the attendance figures, it looks like the opposite has taken effect. Young families are proving to be one of the largest supporters of the fair; kids can find numerous activities to enjoy while their parents find the event affordable for any pocketbook.

This is the largest single event to be held in the North Thompson Valley each year and the association is already making plans for 2011’s Fall Fair and Rodeo number 62.

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